Everyone wants to get in shape. People in your neighborhood are jogging, running, swimming, and many have joined the local gym. However, if you are looking for something that the whole family can do together, and it won’t cost as much as a gym membership, bike riding is becoming very popular again as a form of exercise and recreation.

If your family consists of two adults and two kids, that means you need two adults bikes and two kid bikes, along with all the safety equipment. The kids need to wear helmets, and it is probably a good idea for the parents to wear helmets also. Besides being another layer of protection in case you fall, it sets a good example for the little ones.

Use your imagination when it comes to setting up family bike rides. Everyone has to participate or it won’t be a family activity. Instead of the yard sale bike for $30 you picked up for your son, he may want a brand new one. You will have to explain to him that it is just a starter bike to make sure he enjoys riding. Tell him that once he proves that he will use the bike, and then you will think about getting him a new bike as a birthday present or a gift of a good report card.

Your daughter, on the other hand, may not mind that you got her a used bike. She does worry about the accessories. She has to have a horn, and streamers and of course, and that cute little wicker bike basket she saw at the bike store. Since little girls may enjoy carrying things with them, that would be a great addition for her bike.

Whether you all have new bikes, old bikes or yard sale bikes, the objective is to get out as a family and have fun while exercising. You will have to remember to teach the kids the rules of the road before starting out. Keep the rides simple; remember little ones can’t keep up with adults. Maybe you should also remember to take along some snacks, such as fruit, for the ride. That wicker basket will sure come in handy.

Product Rated

Wald 520 Rear Twin Bicycle Carrier Basket (13.5 x 6.25 x 11)

Avenir Rear Road Bike Rack (Black, 700c)